Watch him fight corruption and black money with his gamcha. And be selfie ready at the same time.
series: Mufflerman Comes Back As Scarfface! Funny
If you thought spitting and peeing on our streets was bad enough...
series: The Indian Pocket Billiards LeagueFunny
A must watch for every Indian male.
series: If You Think Nobody Noticed You Are Wrong!Funny
Captain of the Mumbai Maulers.
series: Meet the Loin of LalbaugFunny
The Tragic, Honest And Hilarious Story Of A Gym Bro
Su-Su, Potty And Other Tings That Make Dis Aunty's Heart Sing
My Painful Brush With The Rather Barbaric Practice Of Uprooting Hair From One’s Private Parts
Pork Vindaloo Flies To Australia
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