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The Dark Side Of Hip Hop: B-Boy Kim: Episode 10: Hip Hop Homeland North East



One of India’s most talented b-boys tells us about the struggle to find his identity through hip hop.

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Hip hop can manifest the best or the worst in a person. For 20 year old b-boy Joerin Kimo, it has done both. Quoting scripture, B-Boy Kim describes how he initially fell into a life of sin, and let that sin take control of him. At this young age, Kim is father to a 3-year old daughter.

Directors: Mandesh Shetty, Rishabh Soin
Asst. Director: Shakunendra Singhal
DOP: Rameshwar Naidu
Camera: Parvdeep Singh Dandona
Line Producer: Mrinal Paul
Editor: Jatin Dua, Jerin Jose, Ramesh Satya
Technical Asst: Shubham Rai
Music Courtesy: Stunnah Beatz (StunnahSez Beatz)

101 India’s Hip Hop Homeland is an on going web series on the burgeoning underground Hip Hop scene in India. It’s the voice of the street, bringing together artists who use rap as a medium to voice out the real issues they face in their hood. After a successful stint in the North and the West, this season, we head to the Northeast with popular rapper Feyago, on a journey to find & collaborate with the finest Hip Hop talent in the region.

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