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A South African Graffiti Artist’s Tribute To Haathi Mere Saathi



All the way from South Africa, Falko One paints the streets of Mumbai with his trademark elephant art.

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All the way from South Africa, Falko One paints the streets of Mumbai with his trademark elephant art.

Falko One has been integral to the South African street art scene for over a decade. For five years now, he's been travelling extensively while leaving elephant themed graffiti in the townships he visits. The herd has now come to India, making its first stop in Mumbai. 

After 'I Love Mumbai' founder Tyrell Valadares put him in touch with Bollywood poster painter Akhtar Sheikh, Falko decided to make Akhtar a gift: a rendition of the Bollywood film Haathi Mere Saathi on a wall in Mumbai.

Produced for Red Bull India, realised by 101India.

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