101 One Wheel Game



Language: Hindi/English

Genre: Subculture & Sports

One Wheel Game is a series of profiles chronicling the journey of India's top freestyle stunt riding teams.

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From The Series


India's Only Scooter Stunt Rider

Anyone can do stunts on a bike. Dinesh Verma does it on a scooter. "A scooter has a small engine, the weight is off to one side, the wheels are too small..." All these were just excuses to Dinesh Verma. He'd made up his mind that he would show the world that you don't need a bike to do crazy one wheel stunts.

series: 101 One Wheel Game


The Death Roll

Would you lie down on the road while two bikes whiz past on one wheel each? These riders cheat death on a daily basis, performing stunts that would leave grown men trembling. One Wheel Game is a series of profiles chronicling the journey of Steel Silencerz, one of India's top freestyle stunt riding teams. The five-part series puts a human face behind the death-defying stunts and freewheeling antics that thrill audiences everywhere.

series: 101 One Wheel Game


Life or Death

The dangers of stunt riding became all to clear for Tony, when a choreographed stunt goes wrong. Stunt rider Tony's family was about to sign on his death certificate after the doctors had given up hope. But this engine hadn't given out quite yet. Stunt riding clearly means more to him than life itself. With 36 stitches in his head, and missing bone on the frontal lobe of his skull, Tony leads Steel Silencerz, India's best stunt biking team. He's never stopped stunting, and he never will.

series: 101 One Wheel Game


Stunt Riding Is Not A Crime

Hi, welcome to 101 India. Repeat after me: "Stunt riding is not a crime". Even though no law, guideline or rulebook explicitly forbids stunt riding, professional stunt riders are constantly hounded by local police authorities, insisting that their actions are against the law. One Wheel Game is a series of profiles chronicling the journey of Steel Silencerz, one of India's top freestyle stunt riding teams. The five-part series puts a human face behind the death-defying stunts and freewheeling antics that thrill audiences everywhere.

series: 101 One Wheel Game


Ballet With Bikes

Hi, welcome to 101 India channel. In this video, you will watch how stunt bikers live their lives on bikes. Most guys dance with girls. These guys dance with their bikes. For these adrenaline junkies, stunt riding is like breathing. They're the best there is at what they do, and what they do is freakin' awesome. Popping wheelies and making their bikes spin with effortless grace, they make their living doing what they love - riding bikes on one wheel.

series: 101 One Wheel Game

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