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The UFO Hunters Of Ladakh



The evidence for aliens in Ladakh is out there. And it’s some serious shit.

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The evidence for aliens in Ladakh is out there. And it's some serious shit.

The UFO phenomenon has fascinated people all over the world with sightings seen across the globe, especially in developed countries.
This has led to the idea of most sightings to be a hoax, just to gain media attention. However, India is no stranger to numerous UFO and alien encounters.

Numerous eye witness accounts, as well as photographs and videos capture strange lights in the sky. People claim to see these lights move in bizarre ways at very fast speeds. Many claim that these lights are in fact UFOs. Military Officials had confirmed that these UFOs were neither Chinese nor Indian drones or satellites.
These brave men have set out on a mission to prove the existence of alien life and their presence on Earth. With sophisticated equipment to capture signals coming from outer space, they are the UFO hunters of Ladakh.

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