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The Knee Race



Ready, steady, on all fours, go!

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On their knees, they are ready to get set and GO! Because a Chamcha has been so long on their knees they can beat you to it in a jiffy. But can they beat each other? Find out!

You meet them for the first time in school – the First Bencher, the Teacher’s Pet, the Topper’s Flatterer. In college, they are the ones who will stand in long lines to photocopy notes for the hot girl who’s out having coffee with someone else. And then you meet them again years later, carrying the boss’ laptop, agreeing to everything seniors say at meetings, nodding and smiling and complying. They are the ultimate wagtails, the posterior kissers – the men and women who sit at the feet of corrupt and incompetent politicians – they are the classic Chamchas!

The Great Indian Chamcha is a satire on the life and times of the quintessential boot-licking sycophant – a tribute to the ever-so entertaining class of doormats. The truly unique class amongst us, because we bring you unique stories from India.

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